Eric Torneros

Where did you grow up? Sacramento, Ca

Where do you find inspiration? In everyday people. Their stories, happiness, struggles. They are the real icons. 

What do you do besides hair? Amateur Ina Garten, love to host a dinner party. Travel the world, explore new cultures. Dance. Sing. And I am even a little bit of a video game and movie nerd.

What do you love most about being a hairdresser?   Finding nuances that make you feel like a boss. Whether that be a small or big change, if it makes you happy I’m always there to help you along the journey. 

What looks are you into right now? Maybe it’s the California boy in me, but always loving some (or a lot) blonde highlights, Hair Painter. Long hair and beautiful blowouts. 

Cut- Color - or both? Since the start I’ve done both. Natural colorist. Razor cutting has always been a favorite of mine